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the Introduction

Finally tonight, it was a post through #flipboard that encouraged me to begin. The post spoke about the fact that every brand needs to have a blog.

So I thought I'd begin. I was thinking about the topic on which I could write, so, 

since, for the last 24 years, I've pro-actively been into the field of business management consulting, with numerous ISO / Non-ISO Certification projects connected to ISO 9001, 18001, 14001, 45001, 27001, NABL, Lean, Six Sigma, TOC, 5S, other than also, being a coach, trainer, teacher of these subjects, to numerous CEOs, Directors, MDs, Board members, Managers, Officers, Machine operators, other office staff, in the industries of medical, manfacturing of plastic, sheet metals, rubber, chemicals, government services, travel agencies, software development, schools, testing laboratories, both mechanical, medical, hospitals, hotels, and many other branches and fields,

......... I thought I'd write to share my learnings, lessons, case studies, examples, ideas, thoughts, methods, and a lot more.. in the field of management sciences.


  1. Great Job.... Atticus....May the Good Lord carry you to great heights...


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