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the real purpose of training

From the desk of Adrian Simoes

It's not what you do that counts, but how you do it.

Years have passed since I've seen this in my Operations. During training sessions, coaching and handholding. 

The easiest thing would be, teach the theory, expect the leaners to practice. Instead, once they know the how and the why, it becomes easier to implement. Some need more examples, more time, some need less.

I've seen training sessions using big "ISO jargon" but have seen what the use of simple language can do. 

Eliyahu Goldratt speaks about "Sufficiency Logic". During training, we need to understand, that too much is not better training. How much is sufficient enough for the person to understand and use. To the point.

Another aspect here is understanding. The only purpose of training is people are able to implement. The rest are all awareness sessions. Can the person who attended, actually do the job? Effectively enough? Can she / he practice it consistently?

In closing, 🙂 And then how can they implement, if they have not practiced? How can they practice correctly if they have not understood? How can they understand if they have not been taught? How can they learn, if there is no time for training? How can there be training, if there are no experienced & qualified trainers?

My Friends, invest time in training, today.

Have a great day ahead 👍


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