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Google Log System

21.07.2022 Today i did an experiment with Excel for the implementation of GTD. I found it superb. A simple excel worked well. This got me to think, how can I simplify my system of working? 

Came across the possibility of using a simple Google doc, with the task box system, and color codes, this may eliminate Evernote completely, including the need of a bujo/scribble Pad, as well as even Asana. All the requirements done just by one simple flowing Doc File per month, on Google system.
  • To launch, test, and produce the report.

22.07.2022 Launched this system, so far ok. 
  • Logs
  • Next actions
  • Search & find by words
  • Day log 
Should I do this per projects, or per day log style? Decided to load it per project-wise.

29.07.2022 I've Observed that its a good system, but on one google doc, there would be too many notes, which would turn to clutter, unable to concentrate on one point at a time, which means i would have to have multiple docs, since there are possibly more than 200+ projects on each initiative,
Drawn Conclusion 1 : a task / card management software would be more effective
Drawn Conclusion 2 : decided to revert all data back to Evernote, as before.    


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