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Showing posts from April, 2023

internal auditing ideas

principle of research and study

Principle of Research & Study Not a mere collection of data. But probe into the subject, how it works, why it works, why it desert neck, what is it exectly? 2 First step is Selective Curiosity. What to look at & what to avoid. Wrong inputs could mess up the subject. 3 Read significent books in or near the area of our occupation, study the ideas in the book & Implement. Implementations of what we read is the KEY. 4 Being An Expert on the subject is a key. Assimilate all there is to know on the subject. Being an expert dosen't mean you know it all. Whatever you don't know you study & then know it.

agile scrum

A Card  Is an entity of a task project A Checklist Is a List of components, must haves, must be completeds of a task card. KANBAN Board  A Set of Lists to progress from Left to Right Agile Scrum Board  A templated system to accomplish Cand tasks. SPRINTS "Surgical Planned Strike Activities" on #super small projects to accomplish a Selected Backlog of tasks sellable product. within a short burst timeframe.

GTD book study

30.11.2020 Have a projects List: This is a place where all my projects with a checklist made chronologically are available for quick review. The Checklist will be a set of all the pre-determined, Next actions. Project's Review: A time to review The progress status of all projects to either tick off completions, or pick up activities for Next Actions. Projects have to be defined as "Derived Outcomes. The best way to title a Project is "User Story" method as in AGILE. Next Actions: Time has to be given to clearly all the next actions, Chronologically. This is known as 20% time invested in thinking upon a project. Emails: The Idea of keeping emails as a seperate system of Inbox, but to have tags and folders as per GTD ★ and processed accordingly.

getting beyond brutal

Getting Beyond Brutal Get introduced to GTD through a casual conversation. - This manager was a person who had multiple areas of responsibilities with multiple procus areas and had to follow up & stay above ALL those projects. & clients. Pure Chaos. One of the biggest challenges was the pending lists were getting longer and longer and work was expanding beyoud control.  The feeling of Overwhelm - not really achieving anything significant.  - Key was to be mille to take a step back to review, How am I managing all These tasks." - A whole lot of Clarity to my projects and tasks. (Status)  - He uses this system for work as well as for personal tasks. - Uses context of time / duration / energy to work on matters based on the existing conditions. - Contexts are also like morning / afternoon / evening etc.  - He uses the natural planning model so that he dosen't need to tend Urgently to things screaming at him all the time. Not whats the loudest, but what's the mos...

Google Log System

21.07.2022 Today i did an experiment with Excel for the implementation of GTD. I found it superb. A simple excel worked well. This got me to think, how can I simplify my system of working?  Came across the possibility of using a simple Google doc, with the task box system, and color codes, this may eliminate Evernote completely, including the need of a bujo/scribble Pad, as well as even Asana. All the requirements done just by one simple flowing Doc File per month, on Google system. To launch, test, and produce the report. 22.07.2022 Launched this system, so far ok.  Logs Next actions Search & find by words Day log  Should I do this per projects, or per day log style? Decided to load it per project-wise. 29.07.2022 I've Observed that its a good system, but on one google doc, there would be too many notes, which would turn to clutter, unable to concentrate on one point at a time, which means i would have to have multiple docs, since there are possibly more than 200+ pr...